
Letter: How many of our legislators’ bills deal with the real issues affecting Utahns?

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) House Speaker Brad Wilson, R-Kaysville, and Senate President Stuart Adams, R-Layton, on opening day of the 2023 session, Tuesday, Jan. 17.

The annual Utah State Legislature is back in session, and as is typical, instead of working on legislation to help the majority of Utah, they are debating hate bills.

Our hateful legislators are trying to pass hate laws against transgender youths. When these kids get frustrated and commit suicide, the blood is on their hands. Another bill being proposed is to bring back conversion therapy, and we already know that doesn’t work.

I wonder how many bills they are working on for the real issues that affect the people of Utah?

  1. Saving the Great Salt Lake.

  2. The homeless problem.

  3. Affordable housing.

  4. Seniors struggling to get by.

  5. Sales tax on food.

  6. More money for education and no vouchers for private schools.

  7. Addressing climate change.

  8. Excessive rent increases that are forcing even more people to become homeless.

I say the state Legislature needs to get their priorities straight, and change their focus to helping our state.

Rusty Carroll, Taylorsville

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