
Letter: Conditions in mosquito-infested prison sure seem cruel and unusual

The article in the Nov. 20 Tribune about mosquitoes at the new prison was both informative and sickening.

The overabundance of mosquitoes and other biting insects in that area was well known before the first shovelful of wet dirt was moved.

In their rush to push infrastructure as far as possible into the northwest quadrant (for the future inland port development), our Legislature created a lose/lose situation. Prisoners can either be tormented by mosquitoes or subjected to toxins raining down from above. It all sounds cruel and unusual.

New inland port businesses in the area will face the same conditions. The results of spraying are short lived and the touted benefits don’t outweigh the risks to human health. The only logical and humane response is to move people out of there. These are our fellow human beings. It’s just a matter of time before the state will be facing lawsuits over this.

Katie Pappas, Salt Lake City

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