
Letter: We can’t afford six more years of Lee’s obstruction and endangerment of democracy

(The Salt Lake Tribune) Republican Sen. Mike Lee, left, and independent Evan McMullin, candidates for U.S. Senate in Utah.

Over the years I’ve appreciated much that Sen. Mike Lee has done, such as his work to prevent wasteful spending and his care at safeguarding America’s national security and fighting terrorism while sustaining our liberties.

But today I’m incredibly concerned over Sen. Lee’s contention that the United States is not a democracy, a sentiment increasingly voiced among political extremists.

Then, when Sen. Lee considered a (thankfully unsuccessful) plan to overturn the peoples’ vote by using “alternative slates of electors,” my alarm heightened.

I had never thought I would fear the loss of American democracy until now.

Another concern of mine is Sen. Lee’s constant obstruction in the U.S. Senate — he couldn’t even vote for the bipartisan infrastructure law that addresses Utah’s long-term drought problems and other infrastructure challenges, like upkeep of safe roads and bridges.

As a result of all this, I am supporting Evan McMullin for the U.S. Senate. His number one priority is strengthening our democracy and standing up to extremists.

I also appreciate other McMullin priorities, like lowering health care costs, lowering inflation and reducing reckless government spending.

Evan McMullin is right for the job right now. We can’t afford six more years of Lee’s obstruction and endangerment of democracy.

Robert Cooper, South Jordan

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