
Letter: Associating integrity with McMullin is ironic

In a recent issue of The Salt Lake Tribune, there was a letter to the editor from Bonnie Wilcoxson of Princeton, Idaho, headlined, “If integrity still means anything, vote for McMullin.”

To her credit she identifies as “independent” and is “frightened by both parties.” Associating integrity with McMullin is ironic. I’m guessing that due to The Salt Lake Tribune’s tireless campaign in support of McMullin’s campaign, she was unaware that he had stiffed vendors to his 2016 presidential campaign for $750,000 +/-.

It’s true Mike Lee had his share of financial troubles before running for Senate — when his employer, a large national law firm, filed for bankruptcy during the great recession. The circumstances are different though. In McMullin’s case, shining individuals and small businesses has been his choice. If this letter appears in a future issue of The Tribune, you will have been witness to a miracle.

Fred Fairclough, Jr., Salt Lake City

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