
Letter: Give us a straight answer, Sen. Lee: Was Joe Biden fairly elected president?

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

Sen. Mike Lee:

You are asking the people of Utah to reelect you to the U.S. Senate. Before casting our votes, we deserve to understand your relationship with reality and truth. Your direct, unambiguous answer to one simple question will tell us all we need to know: Was Joe Biden fairly elected president in 2020?

To date, you have disingenuously addressed this question by acknowledging the obvious, that Biden won the electoral count, while at the same time stating that the ridiculous movie “2000 Mules” raises “significant questions” about the 2020 election. As you surely know, multiple analysts have resoundingly shredded the film (made by a person convicted of felony election fraud!) and conservative Bill Barr laughed out loud at the mere mention of it.

Elected officials afraid to speak the truth enable the spread of demonstrably false conspiracy theories that are tearing our society apart. So grab a flashlight, search carefully under your bed for your long-lost spine, and answer the question. It is a question you should be asked at every debate forum.

Jim Harris, Payson

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