
Letter: Evan McMullin isn’t Mike Lee and that’s good enough for me

(Briana Scroggins | Special to The Tribune) Utah independent Evan McMullin spoke during the Utah Democratic Convention at Cottonwood High School in Murray, Utah on Saturday, April 23, 2022.

We have to elect somebody right?

There are four options when voting for Utah’s next U.S. senator.

• Abstain from voting (half a vote for Mike Lee, half a vote for Evan McMullin).

• Vote for an unobtainable write in. (half a vote for Lee, half a vote for McMullin).

• Vote for Mike Lee (1 vote for Lee, 0 for McMullin).

• Vote for McMullin (0 votes for Lee, 1 vote for McMullin).

If you hate the thought of voting for Mike Lee and perpetuating his seditionist behaviors then there is only one real option. The ignorance vote and the protest vote (options 1 and 2) have their own merit but we should learn to vote with our head and pick the lesser of two evils when forced with that conflict rather than blindly following our heart.

McMullin is far from perfect and he’ll probably vote with Republicans 90% of the time but at least he isn’t Mike Lee and that’s good enough for me.

Ineed Aname, West Valley City

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