
Letter: Utah should respect doctor-patient relationships and stay out of the way

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) About 2,500 protesters gather at the Utah Capitol for a “Bans Off Our Beehive” rally in support of abortion rights on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

Thank you for your coverage of the protests recently in response to the Supreme Court’s impending overrule of Roe v. Wade.

Utah is known for elected officials who favor smaller, less intrusive government, and who despise governmental overreach. Utah’s proposed “trigger-law” that will take effect when Roe is overturned is a hypocritical intrusion into doctor-patient relationships.

The state has no standing to interfere in difficult decisions made by families in the midst of unique and complex circumstances, in consultation with their doctors. Utah should respect physicians, the oaths and ethics they are sworn to, and stay out of the way.

Rachel White, Woods Cross

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