
Letter: Depriving women of the right of choice is an arrogant promotion of female slavery

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Protesters gather at the Utah Capitol for a “Bans Off Our Beehive” rally in support of abortion rights on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

We have become a country that values lawlessness rather than the needs of the republic or the common good.

Our Sen. Mike Lee worked actively to pretend that a margin of more than 81 million votes was not the true will of the people. Our governor and legislators have not been willing to protect the common good by wearing a mask. Fox newscasters proclaim that the leak of the court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was an insurrection, but the lawlessness of the attack on the Capitol and wanting to hang Mike Pence — these folks were patriots.

Whistleblowers are cast as the true threat to society because they expose the secret schemes and abuses of power that are poised to destroy our society.

It is the Supreme Court itself that has become lawless. Their attitude threatens to take us back to the Dark Ages, where superstition and false accusations reign, which will provoke violence and unrest in America.

Miscarriages are an extremely common event; dare we say God’s method of aborting pregnancies when genetic mistakes are made. Depriving a woman’s right of choice for a miscarriage when human mistakes are made is an arrogant promotion of female slavery.

Scot Morgan, Salt Lake City

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