
Letter: How one woefully unqualified elected official can wreak havoc in four years should be a stark warning

(Pete Marovich | The New York Times) Then-President Donald Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Jan. 20, 2021.

The three branches of the United States governmental system, the so-called “separate but equal” partners in guiding the American republic through the course of human events, appear to be unraveling at the edges.

The 2016 election of an incompetent buffoon, aided by devious and self-serving sycophants, has sewn such discord and disharmony among all three branches that it breeds despair of ever putting Humpty Dumpty together again. The assault on the validity of the executive branch by this core of bandits has thrown our electoral system into grave danger. This despicable effort to sully the electoral process then triggered a massive chasm in the congressional branch that borders on anarchy. But perhaps worst of all, this pretender to the crown, supported by too-wise architects of judicial superiority, succeeded in confirmations to the highest court in the land that have not only upset any balance of justice, but have actually fueled the flames threatening the executive and the legislative branches.

How one woefully unqualified elected official can wreak such havoc in four years should be a stark warning to every citizen of this country. Misused authority by would-be authoritarians has never brought the pursuit of happiness to anyone.

Mark E. Hurst, St. George

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