
Letter: KUTV fails to take responsibility for its own lack of reporting on missing indigenous women

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Carl Moore arranges names of murdered and missing indigenous women and girls, at the Indigenous Peoples Day celebration, on Monday, Oct. 12, 2020.

While I appreciate KUTV news running a story on the lack of attention missing indigenous women receive, I find it ironic they failed to take responsibility for their own lack of reporting of missing indigenous women. It’s almost as if this news agency, with its resources, fails to recognize its own failing here. Why?

KUTV is both the problem and the potential solution; it just has to change. It has to decide not to whitewash its reporting and begin to recognize the value of indigenous women. How this organization arrived at a place where it is comfortable ignoring indigenous communities is a conversation it needs to have — and then take responsibility for.

Jeremy Roberts, Draper

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