
Letter: We’re in an extreme drought, and we’re in the dark about how Inland Port’s great water needs will affect our environment

There are many reasons to oppose the proposed 16,000 acre Inland Port: Harm to water and air quality; noise and light pollution; harm to wildlife habitat; increased greenhouse gas emissions; and use of your tax money to pay for it.

I’d like to focus just on water today (and lack of it). Nearly every county in Utah is currently in the “extreme drought” or the exceptional drought” category. There are no categories worse than

“exceptional”. https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu

More industry requires more water usage. The website for the Utah Inland Port Authority (UIPA) states that “by creating UIPA, Utah has opened the way to become the Crossroads of the World” and also that “cargo movement in Utah will double by 2045.”

A massive project is going to require massive amounts of water. Yet UIPA has not provided any numbers on how much water will be used and what will be the effect on the Great Salt Lake wetlands.

If you need more information about the proposed Inland Port, please view www.stopthepollutingport.org If you’re opposed to the port as I am, make some noise or it will happen.

Meherban Khalsa, Salt Lake City

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