
Letter: Women and the draft

(Hilary Swift | The New York Times) Women Marine recruits stand during training at Parris Island in South Carolina on Dec. 20, 2019. The United States Supreme Court on Monday, June 7, 2021, declined to hear a challenge to a federal law that requires only men to register for the military draft.

I read with interest Matt Canham’s article on American women’s status regarding registering for the military draft. I’m a Vietnam War veteran, a former Navy SEAL with about 70 combat operations experience who happens to appreciate the role my female comrades have played in defending our country. I agree with the congressional commission’s stance that our national security depends upon an equitable sharing of that responsibility. Sen. Mike Lee’s experience as an Eagle Scout, commendable as that might be, is not the same as serving in a combat role in the military. Amanda Holder, the combat veteran also interviewed, provides a perspective infinitely more relevant than the senator’s.

Kim Crumbo, Ogden

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