
Letter: Critical race theory is not Marxist. The Book of Mormon shows why.

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) A copy of the Book of Mormon.

Most retired history teachers (myself included) had never heard of critical race theory until last fall when Fox News made it a major issue. Now some are calling the theory”Marxist.”

Yet Karl Marx (1818-1883) was not the first writer to identify the importance of class warfare and racism as the following question illustrates.

At the end of the Book of Mormon, the primary cause of the destruction of one of the two major groups is:

A. Divorce and family break up

B. A pandemic

C. Addictive drugs

D. Lead poisoning

E. Toleration of gay and lesbian practices

F. Racism and class warfare

Correct answer: F

Whereas that book was published when Karl Marx was only 12, it shows the foolishness of labeling any book with that perspective “Marxist.”

Rick Edwin Jones, West Haven

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