
Letter: Leave the fossil carbon in the ground and pass HR1 — it’s the Republican thing to do

FILE -- Steam billows from the coal-powered Huntington Power Plant in Huntington, Utah, Feb. 7, 2019. About half of the premature deaths caused by poor air quality are linked to pollutants that blow in from other states, a new study found. (Brandon Thibodeaux/The New York Times)

A spent battery can be recycled. A spent solar panel can be recycled. A worn out wind turbine can be recycled. What can be done with a spent gallon of gasoline but to breathe it? On top of the immediate air pollution, a spent gallon of gasoline puts 19.6 pounds (8.89 kilogram) of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Wouldn’t it be great if there were an economical way to sequester this carbon dioxide? Well, there is. Leave the fossil carbon in the ground. We Republicans ought to be on top of this and all over the transition from fossil carbon energy to less expensive alternatives.

And another thing. We Republicans ought to be all over protecting our rights to vote by passing HR1/SB1 in Congress. We’re the party of Lincoln, remember?

Charles Ashurst, Logan

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