
Letter: Rep. Owens should consider history of fearmongering and have more empathy

File-This Oct. 3, 1941, file photo shows a crowd of over 4,000 people filled the Gospel Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Ind., to hear Col. Charles Lindbergh, seen on the speaker's stand in the center, address a rally of the America First Committee. The isolationist group’s primary goal was to keep the United States from joining Britain in the fight against Nazi Germany, which by then had overrun nearly all of Europe. But the committee is also remembered for the unvarnished anti-Semitism of some of its most prominent members and praise for the economic policies of Adolf Hitler. (AP Photo/File)

Recently Rep. Burgess Owens stated during his trip to Texas that “We are seeing every single day, people coming here and within hours getting on a train or a plane and going to your neighborhood. So, no they are coming to your neighborhoods, not knowing the language, not knowing the culture, and there is a cartel influence along the way. So be aware, don’t think this is a distance from you now, this is coming your way.”

This kind of speech was used against my Jewish grandparents who were fleeing Russia. They came here to live better lives, to be safe and to contribute to America.

When they arrived here, they were subjects of fear and bigotry. They were not allowed to live in specific areas of their communities, go to universities, or otherwise participate in the American Dream. They were thought to be full of disease, and to be criminals. Politicians in the country wrote and spoke about how fearful the citizens should be about Jewish immigrants moving into their neighborhoods, and committing crimes. They did not know “the language,” they did not “know the culture” and they were thought to be part of a Jewish conspiracy. Many of my people were kept out of this country due to quotas and fear of them taking other people’s jobs.

Rep. Owens would do well to notice the similarities and fearmongering he is speaking. The same fears were told about the Italian, the Irish and other refugee groups who have come to our county. Many immigrants and their children served in the military. They are patriots and have contributed to American life.

Rep. Owens should have more empathy.

Sheryl Ginsberg, Salt Lake City

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