
Letter: A whale of a fail

The planned (done deal?) whale sculpture in the 9th & 9th neighborhood’s roundabout is ludicrous and insipid.

A Moose, Bison, Bee, Harvey the Milk Cow, a groundhog, a squirrel ... indigenous animals abound! A 24-foot cricket would be amazing! This whale is just a bunch of suits trying to be quirky. Leave it to the quirkies of the neighborhood. I know ... the gnome hill that is already taking form! It involves the community, reflects the cottages of the area, is funny and spontaneous, constantly changing, and a helluva lot less expensive.

I can guarantee you one thing: If the whale goes in, it will be leaping from a sea of gnomes the likes you have never seen.

This is a whale of a fail.

Scott Perry, Salt Lake City

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