
Letter: Those refusing to wear a mask should not be eligible for the vaccine

After viewing a news clip featuring patrons, employees and management of a Florida grocery store choosing not to wear COVID-19 masks, as prescribed by the CDC, I can only conclude that such people apparently have no concern for their own safety or that of their neighbors, and therefore, should be ineligible for COVID-19 vaccinations.

It seems reasonable that citizens who do not abide by the guidelines in helping eliminate this scourge should not be eligible to receive a vaccine in limited supply when responsible citizens helping to eliminate the virus are unable to receive vaccinations.  Maskless citizens who obviously have no concern for their own or anyone else’s safety should not be privileged to partake of limited vaccine doses while others who are attempting to be responsible are denied such vaccinations due to limited quantities.

This is a national crisis of enormous proportions. Anybody who doesn’t believe that and wants to live a life unconstrained by simple rules for the safety of the population at large shouldn’t benefit from what the system they are obviously opposing is offering.  Convenience is wonderful and I wish we could all enjoy it.  For now we need to buck up and do the right thing for the greater good.

Kathryn K. Jones, Bountiful

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