
Letter: Teacher bonuses disregard work of other public employees

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Marci Weatherspoon works on a reading assignment with students in her first grade class at Crescent Elementary in Sandy on Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020.

If the roads are not maintained and plowed, police don’t show up, sewer and water systems don’t work, taxes are not collected, food suppliers not inspected, and so on, there will be no schools, thus no teachers.

Therefore, singling out teachers for special $1,500 bonuses disregards the work and health risks being taken by all other public employees who go to work every day in this pandemic to keep society functioning.

As a non-teacher public employee, I am offended by the idea that I go to work every day to serve the public, yet my work is somehow less valuable and deserving than teachers. Throw in no vaccine priority and this is a double slap in the face. A better approach would be to reward all public employees instead of singling out one group of teachers who would not be able to do their job if other public employees did not do theirs.

James Reed, South Salt Lake

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