
Letter: To reign in the madness, we need term limits

When will the insanity end? The recent Capitol riot was beyond madness as has been the months of rioting/looting throughout the country. All violence and destruction must be condemned and perpetrators punished. Don’t listen to pampered and out of touch athletes/celebrities; don’t get your news via social media; don’t rely on cable/network talking heads or political cartoonists as they are only concerned with ratings and inciting.

Rather, hold elected representatives accountable. They must condemn all violence and destruction, not just what aids them politically.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice. Not in love with publicly but in love with humanity.” It doesn’t appear that we currently have any leaders and career politicians are not the answer -- look at the damage they’re doing to the country. The current mindset of blaming others and cancel culture does nothing but divide.

Term limits are needed. Two terms for the Senate and six terms for House of Representatives (maximum of 12 years). Term limits are also needed for mayors and district attorneys. We all must do better and be better.

Lynn Averett, Centerville

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