
Letter: Moutsos has no place among Utahns of the Year

(Francisco Kjolseth | Tribune file photo) Utah Business Revival organizer and former Salt Lake City police officer Eric Moutsos speaks before supporters of law enforcement, gathered at City Hall in Salt Lake City for a rally in support of policey on Saturday, June 20, 2020.

The Tribune really included Eric Moutsos as a person that should be Utah’s Person of the Year? He’s anti-science, anti-mask and thinks COVID is a hoax. He encourages his followers to disregard advice from medical professionals. He, along with like-minded conspiracy advocates, is at least partially responsible for our country’s dismal record in containing COVID.

I’ve never been so disgusted with The Tribune (and I’m a long-term print and digital subscriber). Do you have no shame? Check out his Facebook pages to see how he spreads hate lies and conspiracy theories. And check out why he’s a former police officer.

Larry S. Smith, Salt Lake City

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