
Letter: Crazypants litigation

(Rick Bowmer | AP file photo) Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes speaks during the Utah Republican Party convention on April 26, 2014, in Sandy, Utah.

When is Utah’s attorney general going to get down to the business of the people of Utah and stop meddling in other states’ business? Mr. Sean Reyes has now joined the frivolous lawsuit of Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, which is asking the United States Supreme Court to throw out millions of votes in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and appoint electors who support President Donald Trump in order to overturn the 2020 election results. By the way, Ken Paxton is under indictment for felony securities fraud and he is without a doubt seeking a presidential pardon for his efforts on Trump’s behalf.

The integrity of our election process is being attacked from all sides, including from a sitting president who refuses to accept the will of the American people who voted him out of office. Mr. Reyes’ participation in this crazypants litigation is an embarrassment to Utah. Please, Mr. Reyes, stop thinking of your future political aspirations and get to work on the job you were elected to do.

Cathleen Richins, Salt Lake City

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