
Letter: Ski resort parking problems

(Steve Griffin | Tribune file photo) Snowboarders walk through a packed parking lot at Solitude Resort in Salt Lake City, Monday, February 15, 2016.

For years, the beginning of the ski season has sparked my winter migration to one of the many Utah ski resorts. Up until now, I’ve dished out hundreds of dollars so a season pass could be procured. Well, until this year. The ski area where I’ve traditionally purchased my pass (OK, it’s Alta Ski Resort) has done nothing whatsoever to help mitigate the traffic that it’s creating in Little Cottonwood Canyon and the environmental impact which ensues.

As a paying passholder, I find myself subsidizing the enormous financial costs associated with their paved and expansive parking lots. That’s fine and well, except I don’t own a car. Without faulting those who do, my personal sacrifice of waiting and paying for bus service and hoofing it when necessary should not be nullified by paying for others parking accommodations. Since we are all paying the same price for our ski passes, it’s counterintuitive for myself and those looking to reduce their environmental impact to support those ski areas which are doing nothing to reduce traffic in their respective canyons and turning a blind eye on the problem they are creating.

Ian Klepetar, Alta

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