
Letter: Stewart and Lee undermine democracy

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) U.S. Congressman Chris Stewart speaks at the Utah Association of Realtors office where GOP candidates gathered in Sandy, on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020.

Rep. Chris Stewart has warned us that the cheating Democrats are trying to steal the Georgia runoff election.

He tells us that they have raised a lot of campaign money. (How dare they?) He says that they are actively participating in voter registration drives. (The effrontery!)

They might even have the nerve to vote. Don’t they know that only white Republicans are allowed to vote in Georgia?

Well, that might not actually be the law in Georgia, but it’s a tradition, and the uppity folks who do not respect tradition are showing us that they hate America. That’s what too many of the right-wing so-called Republicans would have us believe.

The rightmost wing of the Republican party (shush — don’t say the word “fascist”) and its baseless, alarmist accusations and mindless name-calling shows the whole world how they really feel about American democracy and its processes, institutions and values.

Didn’t Sen. Mike Lee tell us that democracy may not be the best form of government? Their shrill blather seeks to erode our trust in democracy but, despite their best efforts, we Americans might want to cling to our democracy instead of yielding to the fascist, oligarchic vision that seems to animate much of the right wing of the Republican party.

Charlene Kaserman, Salt Lake City

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