
Letter: The American flag belongs to us all

(Brynn Anderson | AP file photo) A child holds an American flag as Georgia Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate Raphael Warnock speaks during a campaign rally in Marietta, Ga., on Nov. 15, 2020.

The American flag belongs to all of us. It represents all of us. We need to save/keep the flag for the whole country.

I saw a parade of mostly big-truck Trump supporters recently, flying the American flag and Trump flags and filling the streets with “Stop the steal.” The steal from what? From what America means?

When can we agree that we live in a democracy, which means the voice of all the people, not just a few with a particular narrative? When can we have the flag back where it belongs — to the United States of America, not to anyone in particular?

Phyllis Barber, Park City

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