
Letter: The Trib isn’t going anywhere

(Paul Fraughton | Tribune file photo) The Salt Lake Tribune office building at the Gateway mall.

I have to say I’m a bit frustrated with all of the people writing in to say that they’re leaving The Tribune because they are not able to continue their daily ritual of reading the newspaper, including some who should know better. The Tribune is not going anywhere (thankfully!), they’re just changing the method of distribution.

I get it. I also was quite addicted to my coffee and paper routine. I would wait anxiously, usually on bad weather days, for my paper to arrive. It threw me off when it was late, missing or buried under snow. When I moved to a multihousing complex, I predicted that these days would happen more often; that I wouldn’t get the paper right at my door or it would be delivered to a neighbor by mistake. So I decided to take the plunge by going with the e-edition. Now I wonder why I didn’t do that years earlier. The layout is exactly the same, I can access it anywhere, it arrives earlier than the paper version, I can download and share articles, and there are no soggy papers to deal with — not to mention messy newsprint fingers. Oh, and the online-only version is cheaper.

The Tribune — a loyal companion for so many years — is not going away, and for that we should all be grateful. They have done what they have to do to survive, and the adjustment for readers is simply not that hard.

Susan Harward, Sandy

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