
Letter: The hypocrisy of Utah Republicans

(Rick Bowmer | AP file photo) Burgess Owens, Republican candidate in Utah's 4th Congressional District, speaks with people during an Utah Republican election night party Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, in Sandy, Utah.

I live in Salt Lake City. This week while driving on U.S. 89 in Sanpete County, I noticed political signs along the side of the road for Burgess Owens running for office in Utah’s 4th Congressional District. What? I checked my car’s trip computer. I was 115 miles from home, and yet I was still in my own congressional district? 115 miles! Utah’s Republican legislators mangled my district in order to cripple Salt Lake County voters’ ability to choose their congressional representatives.

So as I now read news stories of Burgess Owens bloviating about Democrats “stealing the election” from Donald Trump, I can’t help but be struck by the blazing hypocrisy of Utah Republicans.

Seth Jarvis, Salt Lake City

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