
Letter: Goodbye, Utah

(Trent Nelson | Tribune file photo) The Salt Lake City skyline after sunset on Wednesday, April 8, 2020.

When I lived in England in the mid-1960s, the Times of London devoted the front page to birthday greetings for their mutual circle of readers. Though The Salt Lake Tribune has never risen to that level of gentility, I would like to use this short note to wish my friends well… and goodbye.

My partner and I are moving this winter to Puget Sound, primarily to escape Salt Lake’s air pollution. Breathing the air here is taking two to four years off the life of every resident.

I would say goodbye in person, but the coronavirus has made that difficult. So this note will have to do.

Science reports that dogs are less affected by air pollution than are humans. May the canines thrive among the ruins. I expect the religious warlords ruling Utah will feed them well.

Tom Dickman, Salt Lake City

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