
Letter: Who deserves health care?

Dear health care providers, I wear a mask 100% of the time when outside of my house. I only go into stores as needed; I certainly am not at the mall. I social distance, always. I have a tote in my car with gloves, masks and wipes, as well as bottle sanitizer and spray sanitizer.

I do understand what crisis standard of care means; also referred to triage and contingency care. Reduced to the most basic level, if I am ill and a younger person is equally ill, I will be kicked to the curb. I suggest we add other criteria. Has the patient been a zealous supporter of masks and social distancing? Is the patient a productive member of society or have they been? Is the patient a philanthropic member of society? Does the patient contribute to society via paying taxes? Has the patient paid and paid for health insurance for many years, and when they finally are able to receive Medicare they pay $745 a month for that insurance because, gee, they continue to work and continue to be productive?

I feel I have paid my fair share and then some. My friends and I deserve the same care and drugs that our fearless leader received. I can assure you I am a better person than he is and I certainly pay more than $750 in taxes.

Debra Sjoblom, Salt Lake City

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