
Letter: Bagley cartoon took a risk

(Pat Bagley | The Salt lake Tribune) This cartoon, titled "The Deep Hate," appears in The Salt Lake Tribune on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020.

Pat Bagley took a giant risk with his cartoon on Sept. 1 with his X-ray of the police, judging by the furor since then. Having been involved with law enforcement and individual sheriff’s deputies for many years, I winced a bit when I saw it.

My instant reaction was, “Pat, you painted with too broad a brush.” The officer’s uniform should have had Kenosha printed on it. I have met officers to whom the racist label would apply; I have known many more who would never be labeled as such. To sully the vast majority of law enforcement with such a label is grossly unfair. Specificity here would have better made the point.

I view the Bagley cartoon before reading the rest of the paper and usually come away with a wry smile. Sometimes I react skeptically (like Sept. 1). But I always admire his vision, wit and talent for laser focus. I also smile because he represents the heart of the First Amendment.

Keep making us think, sometimes uncomfortably.

Gregory Gill, Salt Lake City

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