
Letter: The connotation of a word matters

(Chris Caldwell | The Spectrum via AP file photo) "DIXIE" is painted on the Sugarloaf sandstone rock formation Tuesday, June 30, 2020, in St. George, Utah.

In his letter to the editor, Jack Elder talked about the definition of the word “Dixie” (“‘Dixie’ isn’t racist,” July 26). We must remember the English language is a living, constantly changing thing. Words change completely. Gay no longer means happy. My couch is most likely a sofa now. Words also have connotations. The word “cool” hardly ever refers to temperature. Dixie is a word with heavy connotations. The words “New England” don’t usually cause people pain. The word “Dixie” does. It brings back thoughts of slavery, lynchings and all-black colleges.

Jai Green, Salt Lake City

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