
Letter: It’s past time to rename Dixie State University

(Leah Hogsten | Tribune file photo) Students study in the Holland Building on the campus of Dixie State University.

Utah has a state university with a name for which it should be ashamed. The state could change that name just as easily as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints declared that “Mormon” would no longer be used. The term “Mormon” had been used for nearly 200 years. And just like that, it was changed. Stationary reprinted. Sermons rephrased. Minds had to shift.

Now it is time, past time, for Dixie State University to be renamed. Stationary needs to be reprinted. Slogans rephrased. Minds have to shift. Dixie State University should be no more. Any answer other than “yes” to this simple change is hollow. Hasn’t Utah been listening? Now act.

Jennifer Geerlings, Boulder

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