
Letter: Please don’t poison your yard

(Douglas Tallamy | Timber Press via AP, file) A lawn beauty strip at Mt. Cuba Center in Hockessin, Del.

It’s disturbing that the families of quail normally darting about our yard and neighborhood are missing this year.

Now, in this time of spring gardening and planting, please refrain from using poisons, such as rat poison. We can reduce rat populations by pet owners making sure not to leave pet food outside. A rat trap will catch and kill birds but is more benign than poison, which ends up harming our native owl, hawk and coyote population when they eat the dead rats.

Say no to RoundUp. In the least, please learn more about the harmful chemical glyphosate contained in RoundUp.

The unintended consequence of our zeal for lawns free of every "weed" and nary a rat ever in sight is that we are killing off the native birds, mammals and insects.

Ellen Birrell, Cottonwood Heights

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