
Letter: Arts organizations should be transparent about their money

(Leah Hogsten | Tribune file photo) Actors perform "Saturday's Voyeur" by Salt Lake Acting Company, July 14, 2019.

After reading the article about the Salt Lake Acting Company and the cancellation of “Saturday’s Voyeur,” I am concerned about the need to pay the actors who will not be in the play this year.

As a longtime season subscriber, I donated the amount from my tickets to the spring play that was canceled. Hopefully the actors who were already hired were paid. Going forward, I would be happy to donate the proceeds from tickets to Salt Lake Acting Company with the assurance that actors will be paid with some of the proceeds.

I have no reason to think that the company is doing anything wrong, but with all the money flying around the economy I want to make sure the people that deserve and need the money receive it. There was no discussion in the article about the actors.

I think Salt Lake Acting Company and other nonprofits that are in a difficult situation should be transparent about their business practices. I am looking forward to “Voyeur” in 2021. It’s one of the things that helps me keep my sanity living here in Utah.

Brad Wallin, Draper

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