
Letter: Never leave food on the ground

(Vincent Yu | AP file photo) Associated Press reporter Zen Soo collects her food delivery order while serving a two-week home quarantine, hung on her gate handle as part of "contactless food delivery" measures in Hong Kong, April 17, 2020.

I once took a food safety class. In that class the first and most important thing they taught you was to wash your hands.

The second most important thing they taught was nothing goes on the floor. Ever. When a box, bag or carton hits the floor, anything on the ground is now on the bottom of that box, where it then catches a free ride onto your dinner table and kitchen countertops. If you won’t put your shoes on the table, why would you put food on the ground?

When I receive a contactless delivery, I am more worried about getting sick from what might be on the bottom of the package than I am worried about the coronavirus.

If sit-down restaurant dining is back, then we have to assume a normal food delivery exchange process is safe as well.

So, to avoid the spread of fecally transmitted diseases and to avoid eating dirt, please Mr. Delivery Person, stop throwing my food on the ground like I am a dog.

There is a reason I did not check the contactless delivery option.

James Reed, South Salt Lake

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