
Letter: Fly the flag

(Mary Altaffer | AP file photo) The Wall Street street sign is framed by American flags flying outside the New York Stock Exchange in New York on Jan. 3, 2020.

Of the many powerful images seared into my memory during the chaos surrounding 9/11, perhaps the most poignant is the memory of thousands of American flags raised by individuals, religious groups, businesses and communities as everyone came together in a common cause. Today, we are again facing a common enemy. The health, fears and financial tragedy surrounding us will impact every single American in one way or another.

Is it not time once again for us to join together in a common cause? Let us again stand in unity and proudly fly our American flags as we pledge concern and support for our neighbors, whether known or unknown, and demonstrate that we share more commonalities than differences? Let us forget tribalism and unitedly join together as Americans under our flag.

“I will lift thee and thou will lift me and together we will ascend.” Let us fly our flags proudly.

Ennis Gibbs, Woodland

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