
Letter: Keep SITLA board meetings open

(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Blake Birrell, 6, joins the fight along with Fridays For Future, Utah Youth Environmental Solutions, and partners as they strike in opposition to UtahÕs final oil and gas lease sale of 2019 that will auction off public lands and further fossil fuel development during a rally on the steps of the Utah Capitol on Friday, Dec. 6, 2019.

Utah Senate Bill 100, which relates to the School and Institutional Trust Land Administration (SITLA), a public administration that provides additional funds for public schools, just got out of committee for a full Senate vote. The committee voted 5-2, Republicans to Democrats, to allow SITLA meetings to be held without public input.

SITLA has been widely criticized, by high schoolers as well as the general public, for leasing and selling lands for fossil fuel development, sabotaging the very future of the population that they serve. If SB100 were passed it would exempt SITLA Board discussions of selling the trust from the open public meetings.

Once again, our voices, the very voices they are meant to serve, are being muzzled. Please call your senator and representative to encourage them to vote no on SB100.

Elise Lazar, Salt Lake City

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