
Letter: Mormons should stand up to Trump

(Courtesy of LDS Church) U.S. President Donald J. Trump shakes the hand of President Henry B. Eyring of the Church's First Presidency, December 4, 2017. Also pictured from left to right: President Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Sister Jean B. Bingham, Relief Society general president; Bishop Gerald Causs of the Presiding Bishopric; U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah; and Joel Moriyama, director of Welfare Square.

The reaction of many in Utah to the vote of Sen. Mitt Romney to convict Donald Trump is fascinating to observe.

As a student of LDS Church history, I draw parallels between how the church remained silent as Hitler’s power grew in 1938, and how silent the church remains in our own time. Then, as now, a leader is seeking to impose upon a country a political philosophy that is shockingly contrary to the established values of most Mormons, both in words and deeds.

As Hitler rose to power, the church remained silent, afraid to fall out of favor in Germany. With no clear direction from Salt Lake City, many German members supported Hitler. The Church's silence, in the face of such clear moral atrocities, allowed many to support Hitler and his policies.

Apostle Melvin J. Ballard, in the April 1938 General Conference, preached that “even Hitler is used as an instrument in the hands of God, of driving them where the Lord wants them.” (He was referring to Jews fleeing Europe and moving to the Holy Land.)

We face another time, and another evil and corrupt leader. Rather than allowing Mormons to belittle and denigrate Romney, who can be seen as the voice of Mormon values, the church should and must speak up for those same values we supposedly all embrace.

We have a General Conference approaching, just as the church did in April 1938. Will the leaders again remain silent, or will they speak against the moral atrocities being perpetrated in our own time?

Brian H. Stuy, Lehi

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