
Letter: Trump holds his own supporters in contempt

(Mary Altaffer | AP) President Donald Trump points at the audience as he speaks during a campaign rally, Monday, Feb. 10, 2020, in Manchester, N.H.

Donald Trump famously bragged that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters. That statement was not just one of Trump’s countless expressions of astonishing narcissism, it ironically revealed his core contempt for those supporters who place personal loyalty to him above what the plain truth tells them.

Blind allegiance to Trump was on full display these past weeks in the U.S. Congress, sadly exemplified by the disgraceful performance of Rep. Chris Stewart, who, as part of his effort to shun the truth, tried and failed to undermine the credibility of patriotic Americans acting in the service of our country.

In an age of Republican subservience to Trump, how refreshing and restorative to witness a senator such as Sen. Mitt Romney simply stand up and vote his conscience.

Kevin Higgins, Salt Lake City

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