
Letter: Freedom of license plate speech

(Photo courtesy of Matt Pacenza) A Utah license plate that reads "DEPORTM" is under review by the Utah Tax Commission, which oversees the state Division of Motor Vehicles. The plate was approved in 2015, despite rules forbidding plates that may offend "good taste and decency" by showing “contempt, ridicule or superiority of a race, religion, deity, ethnic heritage or political affiliation.” The plate came to light when complaints surfaced recently on social media.

I want to write in support of the car owner who has a vanity license plate "DEPORTM.”

I support this car owner because a vanity plate is really little different than a bumper sticker. This person ordered it to make a statement. A statement that comes under the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of speech and opinion.

I agree with the statement, and about one in three people in this country do. If it offends you, grow up and mind your own business.

I hope the Department of Motor Vehicles allows this individual to keep it.

Jon R. Perry, West Valley City

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