
Letter: Romney is a frightened sheep

(J. Scott Applewhite | AP file photo) Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, arrives for a closed meeting with fellow Republicans about the looming impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020.

In her letter published in The Salt Lake Tribune on Jan. 4, Phyllis Pope asked if “Flippy” Mitt Romney wants “to be one of the frightened sheep or the principled and thoughtful leader?” While I understand her frustration, she needs to remember that Romney is in politics, as he was in his endeavors at Bain Capital, very risk averse.

This question answers itself with only slight alteration: Romney is one of the frightened sheep who wants to be seen as the principled and thoughtful leader.

There, now it is fixed.

Rick Copeland, Sandy

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