
Letter: We are better off with Trump

Are we middle class better off now with President Trump?

The answer is absolutely yes, we are better off, and here is why.

Record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians and a 65-year low for women in the workforce. Record high stock markets. The trade agreements with Mexico and Canada have been accepted. The first phase of the China trade agreement has been accepted.

The crisis at the Southern border has been controlled with the help of Mexico keeping asylum seekers in Mexico until their claims are vetted.

The average annual income of the middle class has risen by $5,000. Retail sales online and in stores for the holiday season has set record highs.

The list can go on and on if you just take a realistic look at where the nation is today.

Just look around and see what is happening and give credit where credit is due, to the policies and direction of President Trump.

Jay Blackett, Sandy

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