
Letter: A bigoted invective against Catholics

(Marcio Jose Sanchez | AP file photo) Shoppers walk past a storefront with seasonal holiday products in Santa Clarita, Calif.

I am responding to a Tribune Public Forum letter authored by Steve Warren titled “Soldier against Christmas.”

In it, he proclaims that his LDS, and supposedly Christian, beliefs include the opposition to public intoxication. And yet he seems comfortable waging an anti-Christian, bigoted invective against another Christian religion, members of the Catholic faith.

This was manifested when he stated that “happy holidays” should be a substitute term for “Merry Christmas” to describe the holiday season because the latter phrase is, in his terms, “appropriate mainly for any Catholics who enjoy getting sloshed.”

This remark reflects the dangers of prejudice that sadly, run rampant across our country too often these days. Rather than embracing a divisive, disrespectful stance against others' beliefs, everyone would benefit instead from using the holiday season as a time to honor and celebrate all of the ways in which humanity chooses to celebrate the God who made us all.

Jill G. Christensen, Salt Lake City

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