
Letter: Utah leaders don’t walk the walk

(Trent Nelson | Tribune file photo) The House Chamber in Salt Lake City on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019, as lawmakers hold a special session focusing on tax reform.

The Utah Legislature and the governor, hence the Republican party, have agreed to a tax overhaul which they say will benefit everyone in the state. Yet all I see is a Twit in Chief tax break for the rich once again.

They claim that the less than one percentage point reduction in your income tax will give a heavenly gift of riches, to you and your family. That might be true, if you were in the position of having a lot of kids. Because they seemed to be getting a windfall in tax relief. From a $565 exemption for each child to $2,500. Now that's what I call a windfall.

Then the sales tax on groceries more than doubles, which affects everyone, including the poor, who basically live paycheck to paycheck. Yet don't forget that reduction in your income tax rate. Not to mention the added gas and diesel tax, plus a variety of new taxes on business that can least afford the burden of more tax collections.

They throw figures around like everyone is a Nobel prize-winning economist, and just accept their facts and figures. They just ignore the will of the people. Why? Because it is more expedient just to pass bills that help themselves and their friends, than actually doing what is best for all.

But, as the good little sheep that we apparently are, we will pay our taxes and accept this just like everything else done in this state. And when it comes to voting for new people who will actually represent your interest, most of you will vote for the same old tired bunch who continue to represent theirs, and their donors’, interest, and stick you with the bill.

For a family-oriented state, you people can surely talk the talk, but you can't walk the walk. Damn, you can’t even crawl.

Once again, the people of this state do not have to put up with inferior representation. Vote this greedy bunch out of office, because they don't represent you.

Charles Glaser, West Valley City

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