
Letter: The times they are a-changin’ too slowly

I recently re-experienced Bob Dylan’s album from 1964: “The Times They Are A-Changin’.”

I hadn’t listened to it for many years; it was a sobering experience.

Hearing songs like “Ballad of Hollis Brown,” “With God On Our Side” and “The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll,” in addition to the title track, was very unsettling.

We are 55 years later now. Is such hatred still so pervasive that it will never go away?

  • Bigotry that is fueled by Stephen Miller, a policy-making white supremacist at the table in the Oval Office;

  • Nationalism that manipulates his puppet at the head of that table;

  • Racism that feeds the devotion of the most ardent of Trump’s electorate;

  • Acquiescence to this prejudice by the pawns in Miller’s game that reside in Congress.

The times are changin’ way too slowly, I think.

Douglas Thompson, Orem

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