
Letter: The American people deserve a comprehensive investigation

(Susan Walsh | AP file photo) President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Sunrise, Fla., on Nov. 26, 2019.

The president should be held to a higher standard; it is the job of the president to support and defend the Constitution, and that includes President Trump.

As a lifelong Republican, I have taken a wait-and-see approach to Trump’s presidency. I was concerned with the foreign meddling in the 2016 election, but uncertain as to his role in it. But now, I am very concerned. The president should be focused on getting things done, not leveraging foreign aid to strong-arm an international ally to help him win an election. If true, this is beyond the pale.

Democracy fails when you have no checks on power in the government. And that is why it is the responsibility of Congress, including members of the GOP, to find out exactly what happened. The American people deserve a comprehensive investigation so they fully understand the Ukraine situation. Corruption must be exposed and stopped. That is Congress’s solemn duty, regardless of party affiliation. As a true Utah Republican, I stand with Congress and I stand with America. I sincerely hope that Sen. Romney recognizes that there are fellow Republicans across our state looking on as the inquiry continues.

Alex Grover, American Fork

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