
Letter: Food tax is a whole hour’s wage

(Mary Altaffer | AP file photo)

As reported in numerous Salt Lake Tribune articles, many legislators and groups are opposed to the increase in the grocery tax that is part of the tax reform bill being crafted by the Tax Restructuring and Equalization Task Force.

I also oppose this regressive measure, given how many Utah residents are barely getting by as is, due to the failure of wages to keep up with rent and cost of living increases.

As shared in a press conference recently by Utahns Against Hunger, the Coalition of Religious Communities and other grassroots organizations, a grocery tax hike will disproportionately hurt low-income Utahns, who would have to spend an additional $7 per week if this proposal passes.

If you make the minimum wage, you would spend an entire hour’s worth of pay more each week to feed your family.

Supporters of the draft bill say that this increase will be offset by a new annual grocery tax credit. But people struggling to pay bills and rent now can’t wait until the end of the year. Also, many low- and no-income people don’t file taxes at all, and adding a burdensome filing process to over-worked and under-resourced Utahns is not the way to go.

Kenwyn Derby, Bountiful

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