
Letter: A congressman or a cheerleader?

(Photo courtesy of the White House) Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, posted this photo on Twitter on Nov. 5, 2019, saying he had recently met with President Donald Trump. He said they talked about the nation's "most pressing issues." He declined to elaborate when asked by The Tribune for more information.

I just read the article where Rep. Chris Stewart compares the impeachment hearings to a coup.

You say there is no evidence, although Trump’s chief of staff admitted it happened on national television.

You also said no crime was committed because Ukraine got the assistance that Congress approved.

Yes, the day after the whistleblower report came out, funds were released.

Maybe you are on to something? If people in prison because they only attempted crimes but were not successful, we could release them, according to your reasoning.

That would clear out a lot of prison space and you could claim credit for a major prison reform.

You are on a committee that gave you clearance to attend and ask questions in the private hearings. You even attended a few.

Are you a congressman or a Trump cheerleader?

Craig G. Erickson, Tooele

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