
Letter: Billionaires are not the only arrogant ones

(John Locher | AP file photo) Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks at a news conference at a gun control advocacy event in Las Vegas on Feb. 26, 2019.

Regarding Paul Krugman’s “We are not waiting for a billionaire to save us,” I could not agree more.

But why just billionaires? I would argue we can extrapolate Professor Krugman’s thesis to most, if not all, semi-bright creatures of extreme of privilege, jump-started by reasons of birth, inheritance or happenstance into predominantly white, patriarchal and parochial society, and who then obtain some measure of accomplishment, are inclined to overestimate their self-importance and vanity.

This deceit, coupled with rigid self-denial of the many opportunities, advantages, entitlements and support that propelled them to success, habitually empowers them to false claims that, rather than some quirk of fortune, it is their singular self-fortitude, grit, determination and talent that allowed them to succeed.

It is this arrogance and self-delusion that seemingly vindicates their narcissism, lack of humility and empathy toward populations afforded fewer opportunities.

As the fourth turning escalates and threatens our constitutional republic and way of life, believing the proverbial white knight on his gilded horse will save the day is a Faustian bargain the American people have already exhausted.

Jeff Waters, Millcreek

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