
Letter: Republicans have a hard time with the truth

In response to Scott Miller’s letter from Nov. 6, “McAdams voted for a sham impeachment procedure”:

Respectfully sir, you do a nice job of describing a hypothetical situation of the Democrats supposedly not following prescribed procedures for the hearings, but you failed in the most important area — you forgot to give us even one example where this is happening. Why? Because you can’t! I challenge you to name one (they weren’t the ones who illegally burst into a closed, restricted meeting, and then broke federal law by using their phones in a restricted area).

And FYI, they are precisely following the rules put in place by none other than your own Mitch McConnell. Nice try, but you have just given us all a perfect example of why the Republican Party is in so much trouble: They just have a really hard time telling the truth — and that still matters to most Americans.

Alan Linett, Sandy

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