
Letter: Act locally to combat climate damage

(Rick Egan | Tribune file photo) Hundreds of students from around the state chant and sing as they gather on the steps of the Utah State Capitol Building, demanding action on the climate crisis, on Friday, Sept. 20, 2019.

If you were anywhere near the Utah Capitol on Sept. 20, you probably noticed it: Hundreds of concerned residents and students gathered in the blustery cold to express their concern over our changing environment.

It should be no surprise why they’ve called off class and work to show up. Whether it’s the declining watershed, worsening air quality or record number of days over 100 degrees every summer, it’s hard for Utah’s youth not to feel concern over their future.

Now more than ever, our local communities are called to bridge political divides in service to sustainable climate action.

Fortunately, there’s a community that wants to discuss keeping our state livable. Consider attending the Mayors’ Townhall, hosted by Citizens’ Climate Lobby, in order to discuss action plans for environmental stewardship Thursday, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Kiva Auditorium in Albion Middle School (2755 Newcastle Dr, Sandy).

Mayors Bradburn of Sandy, Jim Silvestrini of Millcreek and Mike Peterson of Cottonwood Heights will be joined by Brigham Young University Professor of Environmental Law Brigham Daniels, University of Utah Professor of Atmospheric Science Logan Mitchell and Piper Christian, lead student behind the passage of the Utah Legislature’s House Concurrent Resolution 7 on environmental stewardship.

Megan Nelson, Salt Lake City

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